Function Generation and Linearisation

Function Generation and Linearisation: An important aspect of the closed loop control system is the use of Function Generation and Linearisation, e.g. in the control of induction motors there exists…

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Turbocompressors: The turbocompressors and blowers in the industry require drives rated up to 40 MW. Drives of large rating are also required in steel industry blast furnace blowers in natural…

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Centrifugal Pump Load

Centrifugal Pump Load: Centrifugal Pump Load are used as boiler feed pumps and for pumping water in water pipe lines. The former must be adapted to the variable output of…

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Paper Mill Process

Paper Mill Process: The raw materials for Paper Mill Process undergo two processes before the paper is available: The pulp is made from the raw materials. This pulp is converted…

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Machine Tools Motors Requirements

Machine Tools Motors Requirements: The Machine Tools Motors Requirements are: The motors must be reliable and low cost, requiring less maintenance. They must be capable of speed control. Some applications…

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