Voltage Stability Analysis
Voltage Stability Analysis: The voltage stability analysis for a given system state involves examining following two aspects. Proximity to voltage instability: Distance to instability may be measured in terms of…
Voltage Stability Analysis: The voltage stability analysis for a given system state involves examining following two aspects. Proximity to voltage instability: Distance to instability may be measured in terms of…
Types of Facts Controllers in Power System: The development of FACTS controllers has followed two different approaches. The first approach employs reactive impedances or a tap changing transformer with thyristor…
Difference Between SVC and Statcom: Difference Between SVC and Statcom may be noted that in the normal linear operating range of the V-I characteristic and functional compensation capability of the…
Voltage and Harmonic Control of Inverters: Voltage and Harmonic Control of Inverters - In applying Inverters for motor control both V and f (keeping V/f constant) need to be varied.…
Induction Motor Speed Control Methods: The only way to control the speed of a synchronous motor is to control the input frequency and voltage such as to keep V/f constant.…
Basic Principle of Chopper Circuit: A Basic Principle of Chopper Circuit is essentially a thyristor switch in series with the load as shown in Fig. 11.27(a). A shunting diode is…
Thyristor Control of Motors: Thyristor Control of Motors - A variety of thyristor control circuitry has been devised for use in motor control depending upon the type of supply (ac/dc)…
Block Diagram of Electrical Drives | Advantages | Applications: Block Diagram of Electrical Drives - Invention of thyristor led to emergence of semiconductor drives in early sixties. The improvements in…