Submarine Cables
Submarine Cables: Submarine cables use principles very much like those of coaxial cables. Thus they are coaxial, have repeaters and equalizers and have dc power fed to them, with opposite…
Submarine Cables: Submarine cables use principles very much like those of coaxial cables. Thus they are coaxial, have repeaters and equalizers and have dc power fed to them, with opposite…
Microwave Link in Electronic Communication: A Microwave Link in Electronic Communication performs the same functions as a copper or optic fiber cable, but in a different manner, by using point-to-point…
Characteristics of Data Transmission Circuits: Bandwidth Requirements - Characteristics of Data Transmission Circuits is the most instances consists of pulse-type energy. The data stream is similar to a square-wave signal…
Measurement of Information in Communication System: Having said what information is not (it is not meaning), we now state specifically what information is. Accordingly, information is defined as the choice…
Tunnel Diode Applications: In all its Tunnel Diode Applications, the tunnel diode should be loosely coupled to its tuned circuit. With lumped components, this is done by means of a…
Parametric Amplifier Types: The basic Parametric Amplifier Types have already been discussed in detail, but several others also exist. They differ from one another in the variable reactance used, the…
Frequency Multiplier Circuit: A typical Frequency Multiplier Circuit chain is shown in Figure 12-11, The first stage is a transistor crystal oscillator, operating in the VHF region, and this is…
High Frequency Limitations: As stated, transistors suffer from High Frequency Limitations. These are of a twofold nature. On the one hand, there are the same difficulties as those encountered with…