What is Wave Analyzer?

What is Wave Analyzer?: It can be shown mathematically that any complex waveform is made up of a fundamental and its harmonics. It is often desired to measure the amplitude…

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Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO)

Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO) | Block Diagram | Working and Limitations: In this Beat Frequency Oscillator, the outputs of two RF oscillators are applied to a square law detector and…

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Oscilloscope Operating Precautions

Oscilloscope Operating Precautions: In addition to the general safety precautions, the following specific precautions should be observed when operating any type of oscilloscope. Most of the Oscilloscope Operating Precautions also…

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Working Principle of Digital Multimeter

Working Principle of Digital Multimeter: Analog meters require no power supply, they give a better visual indication of changes and suffer less from electric noise and isolation problems. These meters…

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Ramp Technique of Digital Voltmeter

Ramp Technique of Digital Voltmeter: Ramp Technique - The operating principle is to measure the time that a linear ramp takes to change the input level to the ground level,…

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