Resistance Thermometer Working Principle

Resistance Thermometer Working Principle: The resistance of a conductor changes when its temperature is changed. This property is utilized for the measurement of temperature. The Resistance Thermometer working principle is…

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Types of Strain Gauge Transducer

Types of Strain Gauge Transducer: Types of Strain Gauge Transducer are three types, namely Wire Strain Gauge Foil Strain Gauge Semiconductor Strain Gauge Wire Strain Gauge: Wire Strain Gauge has…

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Strain Gauge Factor Derivation

Strain Gauge Factor Derivation: The Strain Gauge Factor Derivation is an example of a passive transducer that uses the variation in electrical resistance in wires to sense the strain produced…

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Resistive Position Transducer

Resistive Position Transducer: The principle of the Resistive Position Transducer is that the physical variable under measurement causes a resistance change in the sensing element. (A common requirement in industrial…

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Resistive Transducer

Resistive Transducer | Resistive Potentiometer | Resistance Pressure Transducer: Resistive Transducer are those in which the resistance changes due to a change in some physical phenomenon. The change in the…

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Electrical Transducer

Electrical Transducer: A transducer is defined as a device that receives energy from one system and transmits it to another, often in a different form. Broadly defined, the transducer is…

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XY Recorder Working

XY Recorder Working: XY Recorder Working - In most research fields, it is often convenient to plot the instantaneous relationship between two variables [Y = f(x)], rather than to plot…

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Detectors Types

Detectors Types: The Detectors Types are as follows For low frequency, the most convenient detector is the vibration galvanometer. For ordinary laboratory work at frequencies up to a few 100 Hz,…

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