Micro Hydel Power Plant – Components and its Workings
Micro Hydel Power Plant - Components and its Workings: Micro Hydel Power Plant was the most common way of electricity generating in the early 20th century. The first commercial use…
Micro Hydel Power Plant - Components and its Workings: Micro Hydel Power Plant was the most common way of electricity generating in the early 20th century. The first commercial use…
Direct Coupled Transistor Amplifier - Operations and Equivalent Circuit: Direct coupling is essential for very low frequency (below 10 Hz) applications such as photoelectric current, thermocouple current etc. Thermocouples are…
What is Oscillator? - Types of Oscillators: An oscillator is the basic element of all ac signal sources and generates sinusoidal signals of known frequency and amplitude. It is one…
Difference between LED and Laser Diode: The Difference between LED and Laser Diode is given below: As already mentioned LASER is the shortened form of light amplification by stimulated emission…
What is Comparator in Electronics? - Classification and Applications A circuit used to mark the instant when an arbitrary waveform attains some particular reference level is called a comparator. The…
Basic Oscilloscope Patterns: CRO is a very versatile instrument in laboratory for measurement of voltage, current, frequency and phase angle of any electrical quantity. But before we go ahead with…
Hybrid Parameters of Transistor or h Parameters and Hybrid Model: A box representing a two-port network is illustrated in Fig. 11.1. The terminal behavior of a two-port device may be…
What is a thermistor? - Definition, Symbol and V-I Characteristics: The word thermistor is a combination of thermal and resistor. A thermistor is a resistor with definite thermal characteristics. Most…