Frequency Domain Representation

Frequency Domain Representation: Frequency Domain Representation - A very important representation of discrete time systems can be obtained in terms of sinusoidal or complex-exponential signals. This is possible because the…

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Digital Data Recording System

Digital Data Recording System: Digital Data Recording - Digital magnetic tapes are often used as storage devices in digital data processing applications. Digital tape units are of two types, incremental…

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Digital Frequency Meter

Digital Frequency Meter: Principle of Operation of Digital Frequency Meter - The signal waveform is converted to trigger pulses and applied continuously to an AND gate, as shown in Fig.…

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Working Principle of Digital Multimeter

Working Principle of Digital Multimeter: Analog meters require no power supply, they give a better visual indication of changes and suffer less from electric noise and isolation problems. These meters…

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Successive Approximation Type DVM

Successive Approximation Type DVM: The Successive Approximation Type DVM principle can be easily understood using a simple example; the determination of the weight of an object. By using a balance…

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Ramp Technique of Digital Voltmeter

Ramp Technique of Digital Voltmeter: Ramp Technique - The operating principle is to measure the time that a linear ramp takes to change the input level to the ground level,…

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Basic Principle of Chopper Circuit

Basic Principle of Chopper Circuit: A Basic Principle of Chopper Circuit is essentially a thyristor switch in series with the load as shown in Fig. 11.27(a). A shunting diode is…

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