Generator Inter Turn Fault Protection

Generator Inter Turn Fault Protection: Merz-Price circulating current protection system does not provide protection against turn-to-turn faults (short circuits between the turns) on the same phase winding of the stator…

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Static Differential Relay Block Diagram and Working Principle

Static Differential Relay Block Diagram and Working Principle: The differential relay measures the phasor difference between two similar electrical quantities (voltage-voltage or current-current). The rectifier bridge amplitude comparator is the…

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Induction Type Negative Phase Sequence Relay

Induction Type Negative Phase Sequence Relay: This type of induction type negative phase sequence relay has similar construction as that of an induction type overcurrent relay. The difference lies only…

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Voltage Balance Differential Relay

Voltage Balance Differential Relay: In this voltage balance differential relay arrangement, two similar current transformers are connected at either end of the system element under protection (such as a feeder)…

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Classification of Relays

Classification of Relays: The protective relay may be defined as an electrical device interposed between the main circuit and the circuit breaker in such a manner that any abnormality in…

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