Heavy Current Test Plant
Heavy Current Test Plant: Heavy Current Test Plant - Simulating the exact fault conditions as would occur in practice is a difficult and a tedious job. The plant for providing…
Heavy Current Test Plant: Heavy Current Test Plant - Simulating the exact fault conditions as would occur in practice is a difficult and a tedious job. The plant for providing…
Testing of Overcurrent Relay: Test benches are used for proving the design characteristics of relays. These are provided with accurate timing apparatus and calibrated current and voltage supplies. The basic…
Classification of Relay Testing: Classification of Relay Testing are usually conducted to demonstrate that: the relay will operate correctly to clear a fault; and the relay will remain inoperative on…
Three Phase Auto Recloser vs Single Phase Auto Reclose: Three Phase Auto Recloser is one in which the three phases of the transÂmission line are opened after fault incidence, independent…
Types of Auto Reclosing: Types of Auto Reclosing can be broadly classified in two categories: Medium voltage auto-reclose where continuity of supply is the principal aim. High voltage auto-reclose where…
Bus Zone Protection: Bus Zone Protection includes, besides the bus itself the apparatus such as circuit breakers, disconnecting switches, instrument transformers and bus sectionalizing reactors, etc. Although bus zone faults…
Direct Connected Generator Protection: Direct connected generators are normally of smaller ratings and a typical scheme of Direct Connected Generator Protection for a 30 MW generator is shown in Fig.…
Rotor Protection: Rotor Protection - As pointed earlier rotor windings may be damaged by earth faults or open circuits. Figure (6.16) shows a modern method of rotor earth-fault detection. The…