System Grounding

System Grounding: The process of connecting some electrical part of the power system (e.g. neutral point of a star-connected system, one conductor of the secondary of a transformer etc.) to…

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Grounding or Earthing

Grounding or Earthing: The process of connecting the metallic frame (i.e. non-current carrying part) of electrical equipment or some electrical part of the system (e.g. neutral point in a star-connected…

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Key Diagram of Substation

Key Diagram of Substation 66/11KV: Fig. 25.10 shows the key diagram of a typical 66/11 kV sub-station. The Key Diagram of Substation can be explained as under: 1. There are…

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Busbar Arrangements in Substations

Busbar Arrangements in Substations: Busbar are the important components in a sub-station. There are several Busbar Arrangements in Substations that can be used in a sub-station. The choice of a…

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Substation: The assembly of apparatus used to change some characteristic (e.g. voltage, ac. to dc., frequency, p.f. etc.) of electric supply is called a Substation. Sub-stations are important part of…

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Types of Surge Absorber

Types of Surge Absorber: The travelling waves set up on the transmission lines by the surges may reach the terminals apparatus and cause damage to it. The amount of damage…

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Surge Diverter

Surge Diverter | Lightning Arrester Types: The earthing screen and ground wires can well protect the electrical system against direct lightning strokes but they fail to provide protection against travelling…

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Types of Lightning Strikes

Types of Lightning Strikes: There are two Types of Lightning Strikes may strike the power system (e.g. overhead lines, towers, sub-stations etc.), namely; Direct stroke Indirect stroke 1. Direct stroke:…

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