Electric Supply System
Electric Supply System: The conveyance of electric power from a power station to consumers' premises is known as Electric Supply System. An electric supply system consists of three principal components…
Electric Supply System: The conveyance of electric power from a power station to consumers' premises is known as Electric Supply System. An electric supply system consists of three principal components…
Low Power Factor: The Low Power Factor plays an importance role in ac. circuits since power consumed depends upon this factor. It is clear from above that for fixed power…
Introduction to Microprocessors and Control of Electric Drives: Introduction to Microprocessors and Control of Electric Drives - Conventionally, control of thyristor converter fed electrical drives (both dc and ac) is…
Polar Plot for Frequency Response: One of them is the Polar Plot for Frequency Response representation. The transfer function in the frequency domain is obtained by substituting jω for s…
Transient Response of Closed Loop Drive System: The Transient Response of Closed Loop Drive System is of fundamental importance and must be investigated in detail. The time response of a…
Reversible Drive using Armature Current Reversal: A schematic of a reversible drive using contactors to reverse the Armature Current Reversal for reversing the rotation is shown kin Fig. 4.81. The…
Methods to Leading Power Factor: We have seen that a phase controlled converter requires reactive power for control and commutation. The harmonics do not contribute to the active power loading…
Three Phase Drives: Single phase drives discussed in the previous section are employed for low and medium powers. When the power of the drive is very large the three-phase converter…