Single Phase Separately Excited DC Motor Drives
Single Phase Separately Excited DC Motor Drives: The circuit arrangement of a Single Phase Separately Excited DC Motor Drives Drives fed from a single phase controlled converter is shown in…
Single Phase Separately Excited DC Motor Drives: The circuit arrangement of a Single Phase Separately Excited DC Motor Drives Drives fed from a single phase controlled converter is shown in…
Starting Methods of Synchronous Motor for LCI: It has been pointed out that a Starting Methods of Synchronous Motor for LCI, even though complicated in its construction, has an advantage…
Current Source Inverter Fed Synchronous Motor Drive: A synchronous motor draws a stator current which is independent of stator frequency when V/f and E/f are maintained constant and armature resistance…
Synchronous Motor Drives: Variable frequency drives employing synchronous motor are receiving considÂerable interest, and are even becoming competitors to both induction motors and dc motors. These are popular as drives…
Cycloconverter Feeding Three Phase Induction Motor Drive: Variable frequency supply to an induction motor may be obtained by using a cycloconverter. As has already been discussed, a cycloconverter is a…
Static Scherbius Drive: The main limitation of the Kraemer drive discussed is the operation at sub-synchronous range due to diode rectifier. Super synchronous speeds can be achieved if the power…
Speed Control Using Slip Energy Recovery Schemes: The foregoing discussion makes it very clear that the methods of voltage control and rotor resistance control have poor efficiency, particularly at low…
Cycloconverter: A variable frequency supply for feeding a three phase motor can be obtained from a cycloconverter which operates on a 50 Hz supply and provides a variable frequency supply…