Sequence Impedances of Transmission Lines

Sequence Impedances of Transmission Lines: Sequence Impedances of Transmission Lines - Figure 10.9 shows the circuit of a fully transposed line carrying unbalanced currents. The return path for In is…

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Introduction to Symmetrical Fault in Power System

Introduction to Symmetrical Fault in Power System: Introduction to Symmetrical Fault in Power System devoted to abnormal system behavior under conditions of symmetrical short circuit (symmetrical three-phase fault). Such conditions…

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Automatic Voltage Control

Automatic Voltage Control: Automatic Voltage Control - Figure 8.20 gives the schematic diagram of an automatic voltage regulator of a generator. It basically consists of a main exciter which excites…

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Introduction to Optimal System Operation

Introduction to Optimal System Operation: The optimal system operation, in general, involved the consideration of economy of operation, system security, emissions at certain fossil-fuel plants, optimal releases of water at…

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Voltage Profile of Transmission Line

Voltage Profile of Transmission Line: Control of Voltage Profile of Transmission Line at the receiving bus in the fundamental two-bus system was discussed already. Though the same general conclusions hold…

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Decoupled Load Flow Methods

Decoupled Load Flow Methods (DLF): An important characteristic of any practical electric power transmission system operating in steady state is the strong interdependence between real powers and bus voltages angles…

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Gauss Seidel Method

Gauss Seidel Method: The Gauss Seidel Method (GS) is an iterative algorithm for solving a set of non-linear algebraic equations. To start with, a solution vector is assumed, based on…

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