Parallel Operation of Synchronous Generator

Parallel Operation of Synchronous Generator: We already know that synchronous machine connected to infinite bus-bars. Parallel Operation of Synchronous Generator of two finite size will be considered, which is the…

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Synchronous Machine on Infinite Bus Bars

Synchronous Machine on Infinite Bus Bars: A definite procedure has to be followed in connecting a Synchronous Machine on Infinite Bus Bars which for the present purpose will be assumed…

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Voltage Regulation of Synchronous Generator

Voltage Regulation of Synchronous Generator: The Voltage Regulation of Synchronous Generator is defined on lines similar to that of a transformer. Consider the generator supplying full-load current at a specified…

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Hopkinsons Test on DC Machine

Hopkinsons Test on DC Machine: This is a regenerative test in which two identical dc shunt machines are coupled mechanically and tested simultaneously. One of the machines is made to…

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DC Motor Losses and Efficiency

DC Motor Losses and Efficiency: The Losses and Efficiency of a transformer have been studied in earlier lesson. As in the case of transformers, it is more accurate to determine…

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