Semiconductor Diodes Articles:

PN Junction Diode Working Principle: A PN Junction Diode Working Principle explains about the ability to permit substantial current flow when forward-biased, and to block current when reverse-biased. Thus, it can be used as a switch; on when forward-biased, and off … (Read More)

Forward and Reverse Bias Characteristics of Diode
Forward and Reverse Bias Characteristics of Diode: Figures 2-4 and 2-5 show typical Forward and Reverse Bias Characteristics of Diode for low-current silicon and germanium diodes. From the silicon diode characteristics in Fig. 2-4, it is seen that the forward current … (Read More)

Diode Approximations: As we know already that, a diode is essentially a one-way device, offering a low resistance when forward biased, and a high resistance when biased in reverse. An ideal diode (or perfect diode) would have zero … (Read More)

DC Load Line Analysis of Semiconductor Diode
DC Load Line Analysis of Semiconductor Diode: Figure 2-13(a) shows a DC Load Line Analysis of Semiconductor Diode in series with a 100 Ω resistance (R1) and a supply voltage (E). The polarity of E is such that the diode is forward … (Read More)

Temperature Effect on Semiconductor Diode
Temperature Effect on Semiconductor Diode: Diode Power Dissipation – The power dissipation in a diode is simply calculated as the device terminal voltage multiplied by the current level. Device manufacturers specify a maximum power dissipation for each type of diode. If the … (Read More)

AC Equivalent Circuit of Semiconductor Diode: Junction Capacitances – The depletion region of a pn-junction is a layer depleted of charge carriers situated between two blocks of low resistance material. Because this is the description of a capacitor, the depletion region … (Read More)

Semiconductor Diode Specifications: Diode Data Sheets – To select a suitable diode for a particular application, the data sheets, or Semiconductor Diode Specifications, provided by device manufacturers must be consulted. Portions of typical diode data sheets are shown in Fig. 2-21 … (Read More)

Testing of Semiconductor Diode: There are Several methods are available for Testing of Semiconductor Diode, namely, Ohmmeter Tests: One of the simplest and quickest tests can be made using an ohmmeter to measure the forward and reverse resistance of a diode, . … (Read More)

Zener Diodes Characteristics
Zener Diodes Characteristics: When a Junction diode is reverse biased, normally only a very small reverse saturation current flows; IS on the reverse characteristic in Fig. 2-25(a). When the reverse voltage is sufficiently increased, the junction breaks down and a large … (Read More)