Single Stage Transistor Amplifiers Articles:

What is Single Stage Transistor Amplifier? – Circuit Diagram and its Workings: When only one transistor with associated circuit is used for increasing the strength of a weak signal, the circuit is known as single stage transistor amplifier. Single Stage Transistor Amplifier … (Read More)

Phase Reversal in Single Stage Transistor Amplifier
Phase Reversal in Single Stage Transistor Amplifier: In a common emitter configuration, the output voltage increases in the negative direction when the input signal increases in the positive direction and vice versa. This is called Phase Reversal in Single Stage Transistor … (Read More)

Classification of Amplifiers: In the Classification of Amplifiers, the transistor amplifiers may be classified in several ways such as on the basis of transistor configuration used, active device used, output, frequency range of operation, input, the number of stages used, coupling … (Read More)

Explain Distortion in Amplifier? – Types of Amplifier Distortion: Under ideal conditions, amplified output signal must have exactly the same waveform as the input signal. But in practical amplifiers, this ideal condition is never achieved. Some changes in the waveform may … (Read More)

Noise in Amplifiers and its Types: Noise in Amplifiers – Noise is any kind of unwanted signal that is not related to the input. Any electronic component produces a certain amount of noise. When these components are assembled to build a … (Read More)