Tuned Amplifier Articles:

Tuned Amplifiers – Definition, Classification and Advantages: Amplifier amplifying a signal of specific frequency or narrowband of frequencies is known as tuned amplifier. Tuned amplifiers are mostly employed for amplification of high or radio frequency signals, because radio frequencies are generally … (Read More)

Single Tuned Amplifier - Circuit Operation and Limitations
Single Tuned Amplifier – Circuit Operation and Limitations: The circuit arrangements of a single tuned amplifier are given in Figs. 18.9(a) and 18.9(b). The output may be taken either with the help of a capacitive coupling, as shown in Fig. 18.9(a) … (Read More)

Fet Tuned Amplifier – Circuit Diagram and Frequency Response: Figure 18.11(a) depicts the circuit of an FET tuned amplifier. It uses a first-order JFET model for the 2N 5484 . Thus, Drain current, and when gate voltage … (Read More)

Double Tuned Amplifier - Circuit Diagram and Operation
Double Tuned Amplifier – Circuit Diagram and Operation: The problem of potential instability with a single tuned amplifier is overcome in a double tuned amplifier which consists of inductively coupled two tuned circuits—one (L1, C1) in the collector circuit and the … (Read More)

Large Signal Tuned Amplifier - Operation and its Equivalent Circuit
Large Signal Tuned Amplifier – Operation and its Equivalent Circuit: Tuned amplifier circuits are for class A operation and their use is limited to applications in which RF signal has low power levels such as in radio receivers. Such amplifiers are … (Read More)

Stagger Tuned Amplifier – Circuit diagram and its Workings: In order to increase bandwidth, double tuned amplifiers are preferred, but their alignment is difficult. A much better overall response can be had by stagger tuning, as illustrated in Fig. 18.22. If two … (Read More)