Two Port Network Articles:

Terminal Pairs or Ports: A pair of terminals at which an electrical signal may enter or leave a network is called a port. The terminals or port is required for connecting input excitation to the network. … (Read More)

Two Port Network Parameters
Two Port Network Parameters: Consider a Two Port Network Parameters as shown in the Fig. 6.2. In all there are four variables; two voltages and two currents. In general, any two port network has one pair of voltage and current at … (Read More)

z Parameters of Two Port Network: z Parameters of Two Port Network are also called impedance parameters. These are obtained by expressing voltages at two ports in terms of currents at two ports. Thus, currents I1 and I2 are independent variables; … (Read More)

y Parameters of Two Port Network
y Parameters of Two Port Network: y Parameters of Two Port Network are also called admittance parameters. These are obtained by expressing currents at two ports in terms of voltages at two ports. Thus, voltages V1 and V2 are independent variables, … (Read More)

h Parameters of Two Port Network
h Parameters of Two Port Network: h Parameters of Two Port Network are also called hybrid parameters. These parameters are very useful in constructing models for transistors. The transistor parameters cannot be calculated using by either short circuit admittance parameter or … (Read More)

ABCD Parameters of Two Port Network or Transmission Parameters or Chain Parameters: ABCD Parameters of Two Port Network are known as transmission parameters. These are generally used in the analysis of power transmission in which the input port is referred as … (Read More)

Condition for Symmetry in Two Port Network: If the impedance measured at one port is equal to the impedance measured at the other port with remaining port open circuited, the network is said to be Condition for Symmetry. The impedances at two … (Read More)

Condition for Reciprocal Two Port Network: If the ratio of voltage at one port to the current at other port is same to the ratio if the positions of voltage and current are interchanged, then the network is said to be … (Read More)

Interconnection of Two Port Network: Various types of Interconnection of Two Port Network such as series connection of two ports, parallel connection of two ports, cascade connection of two ports etc. Series Connection of Two Ports: Consider two networks N’ and N” are … (Read More)

T Network
T Network: Consider two port T Network with assumed voltages V1 and V2 and currents I1 and I2 as shown in Fig. 6.10. Let the z-parameters of the above network are represented as follows We know that, the z-parameters for any network can … (Read More)

pi Network in Network Analysis
π or pi Network in Network Analysis: Consider following two port ’π’ or pi Network type network with assumed voltages V1 and V2 and current I1 end I2 as shown in Fig. 6.11. Let the y-parameters of the above network are represented … (Read More)

Lattice Network: The lattice network is one of the common four terminal networks. These networks are generally used in filter sections and also used as symmetrical attenuators. Consider the lattice network shown in the Fig. 6.12 (a). The arms with impedances … (Read More)

Bridged T Network Analysis
Bridged T Network Analysis: Consider Bridged T Network Analysis as shown in the Fig. 6.15 (a). We can consider bridged T network as a parallel connection of the two networks as shown in the Fig. 6.15 (b). The y-parameters of the overall … (Read More)

Transfer Function of Terminated Two Port Network
Transfer Function of Terminated Two Port Network: A ratio of voltage or current at one port to the voltage or current at the other port is called a Transfer Function of Terminated Two Port Network. In the last sections, we have … (Read More)