Voltage Stability Articles:

Voltage Stability in Power System: Voltage Stability in Power System – Voltage control and stability problems are very much familiar to the electric utility industry but are now receiving special attention by every power system analyst and researcher. With growing size … (Read More)

Mathematical Formulation of Voltage Stability: Mathematical Formulation of Voltage Stability – The slower forms of voltage instability are normally analyzed as steady state problems using power flow simulation as the primary study method. “Snap­shots” in time following an outage or during … (Read More)

Voltage Stability Analysis: The voltage stability analysis for a given system state involves examining following two aspects. Proximity to voltage instability: Distance to instability may be measured in terms of physical quantities, such as load level, real power flow through a critical … (Read More)

Prevention of Voltage Collapse in Power System: Prevention of Voltage Collapse in Power System is given by 1. Application of reactive power-compensating devices: Adequate stability margins should be ensured by proper selection of compensation schemes in terms of their size, ratings and locations. 2. … (Read More)

Trends in Voltage Stability of Power Systems: Trends in Voltage Stability of Power Systems – The present day transmission networks are getting more and more stressed due to economic and environmental constraints. The trend is to operate the existing networks optimally … (Read More)